• tiếng anh cấp III
  • Lớp 11
  • Unit 2: Relationships
  • Lesson 7 (Bài tập): Reading
  • Lesson 7 (Bài tập): Reading

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    1) Read the first part of a text about dating and fill each gap with a word or a phrase from the box.

    hopeless partner settle down married trust identity stable serious

    Max and Carol's wedding is to be held next week. Max never thought he could find the woman of his dreams. He became a successful businessman at the age of 37. He has worked hard all his life to get through university and then set up a company to provide a (1) .............................. income. The problem was that meetings and hard work made it difficult for him to meet a suitable (2) ............................... Last year, when he wanted to (3).............................., he looked around and found that all his old friends and female colleagues were already (4) ...............................

    Some friends suggested going to bars or dance clubs. However, he thought the girls who went to these places were not mature or (5) .............................. enough. Another suggestion was to look for a partner online. In fact, Max had a lot of online friends, but he did not (6) .............................. them, as they usually hid their real (7) ............................... He was beginning to feel lonely and (8) .............................. when he saw an advertisement about the Speed Dating and Matchmaking Centre.


    ĐÁP ÁN:

    1. stable 2. partner 3. settle down 4. married 5. serious 6. trust 7. identity 8. hopeless


    2) Read the second part of the text and answer the questions.

    When Max went to the Speed Dating and Matchmaking Centre Office, he thought they could help. After completing a survey form about I age, education, religion, likes and dislikes, he was invited to a get-together with other nine men and ten women. There, he spent about six minutes with each woman, talking about things like jobs, hobbies, families and children. At the end of the evening, he made a report stating which women he wished to see again. Luckily, Lucy, the woman that he chose was also interested in him. They had a meeting the following week. Max and Lucy had many things in common, but he did not really feel attracted to her. Lucy felt the same, and they agreed to remain friends. A month later, Lucy invited Max to her birthday party and introduced her to her friends. Fate was kind to Max this time as he met Carol there, and they fell in love with each other at first sight.

    1. Why did Max go to the Speed Dating and Matchmaking Centre Office?

    2. What was he asked to do first?

    3. What did he do at the get-together organised by the Speed Dating and Matchmaking Centre Office?

    4. Who did he choose to meet again?

    5. Why did Max and that person decide to remain friends?

    6. Who was Carol? Where did Max meet her?


    ĐÁP ÁN:

    1. He wanted to find a partner.

    2. He was asked to complete a survey form about his age, education, religion, likes and dislikes. 

    3. He talked to ten women at the get-together, spending six minutes with each one.

    4. He chose Lucy.

    5. They had many things in common, but they didn't feel attracted to each other.

    6. Carol was Lucy's friend. Max met her at Lucy's birthday party.


    3) Find the words or phrases from the two parts of the reading text which mean the following.


    ĐÁP ÁN:

    1. income 2. get-together 3. mature 4. at first sight 5. fate