• tiếng anh cấp II
  • Lớp 6
  • Review 2: Ôn luyện Unit 4 - 5 - 6
  • Lesson 1 (SGK): Language
  • Lesson 1 (SGK): Language


    ► Kênh hỏi đáp và giải thích thắc mắc kiến thức MIỄN PHÍ → truy cập LINK NHÓM: ENGLISH AMOM

    ► Kênh YOUTUBE hệ thống toàn bộ bài giảng CLIPS: truy cập LINK: ENGLISH AMOM CHANNEL




    1. Listen and circle the word with the different undefined sound. 






    A. seat

    A. cheap

    A. sugar

    A. excuse 

    A. modern 

    B. wonders 

    B. teach 

    B. some

    B. between

    B. crowded  

    C. desert

    C. bread

    C. sure

    C. cathedral

    C. celebrat

    ĐÁP ÁN:

    1. A

    2. C

    3. B

    4. C

    5. C



    2) Write the words in the box (a - h) next to their opposites (1 - 8).

    a. short          b. noisy        c. low             d. small     

    e. boring        f. hot            g. sad            h. cheap


    1. big ................................

    2. happy ...........................

    3. cold ..............................

    4. quiet .............................

    5. long ....................................

    6. expensive ...........................

    7. high ....................................

    8. interesting ...........................

    ĐÁP ÁN:

    1 - d

    2 - g

    3 - f

    4 - b

    5 - a

    6 - h

    7 - c

    8 - e


    3) Choose the correct word/phrase for each definition.

    1. A place where a large amount of water falls from a high place. waterfall / lake

    2. A thing which helps you to find directions. backpack / compass

    3. A building where people go and see valuable art of old things. theatre / museum

    4. To tell someone you want them to be happy or successful. wish / hope

    5. Children receive it in red envelopes at Tet. lucky money / new clothes

    ĐÁP ÁN:

    1. waterfall

    2. compass

    3. museum

    4. wish

    5. lucky money



    4) Complete the sentences with the correct answer A, B, or C.

    1. .............................. long rivers of the world begin from the Himalayas.

    A. Any

    B. Some

    C. A

    2. Sue's drawings are more colourful .............................. her teacher's.

    A. most

    B. as

    C. than

    3. You .............................. buy a ticket to enter the zoo.It's not free.

    A. mustn't

    B. don't

    C. must

    4. Do you know .............................. English songs for children?

    A. any

    B. a few

    C. some

    5. The USA has .............................. natural wonders.

    A. many

    B. much

    C. a little

    ĐÁP ÁN:

    1. B

    2. C

    3. C

    4. A

    5. A


    5) Complete the sentences with should /shouldn't.

    1. When you get help from somebody, you .............................. say “Thank you”.

    2. You .............................. ask people for lucky money. It's not good behaviour.

    3. You .............................. make noise when you are eating.

    4. Before you visit a natural wonder, you ..............................leam about it.

    5. What .............................. I do if I get lost?

    ĐÁP ÁN:

    1. should

    2. shouldn’t

    3. shouldn’t

    4. should

    5. should